Getting started

The easiest way to get started with GWT-OpenLayers is to have a look at the GWT-Openlayers showcase. This showcase is itself a GWT application and it demonstrates various functionalities that GWT-OpenLayers has to offer.

NOTE: This documentation was released with GWT-OpenLayers 0.6.

Running the GWT-OpenLayers Showcase in three easy steps

First, you will need to obtain the GWT-openlayers zipped sources from our sourceforge downloads.

Second, you will need to install Maven (v2.2.1+), if you haven't already got that on your machine.

Third, open the commandline at the gwt-openlayers-showcase folder and startup the showcase by running:

>mvn gwt:run

NOTE: You need to be connected to the internet to run the showcase. Maven may need to download dependencies and the showcase uses several online resources.


If you are missing the gwt-openlayers-client and gwt-openlayers-server dependencies you may need to go the respective folders and run:

>mvn install

More Information

For more information see the user reference.