Class Summary |
ArcGIS93Rest |
ArcGIS93RestImpl |
ArcGIS93RestOptions |
Boxes |
Boxes is only maintained for backwards compatibility, as explained here. |
BoxesImpl |
BoxesMarkersOptions |
Canvas |
comment: no such layer in OpenLayers 2.x |
EventPaneOptions |
GMapType |
GMLOptions |
GMLParams |
Google |
GoogleOptions |
GridLayer |
Wrapper of OpenLayers.Layer.Grid in OpenLayers. |
GridLayerImpl |
GridLayerOptions |
HTTPRequestLayer |
Wrapper of OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest in OpenLayers. |
HTTPRequestLayerImpl |
HTTPRequestLayerOptions |
Image |
Displays data from a web accessible image. |
ImageOptions |
See LayerOptions . |
Layer |
LayerOptions |
Markers |
Markers is the non-preferred way to create marker layers. |
MarkersOptions |
The javascript implementation of the class OSM is defined in a small add-on
javascript library for OpenStreetMap. |
OSMImpl |
OSMOptions |
Params |
RendererOptions |
TMSImpl |
TMSOptions |
Vector |
VectorOptions |
Convenience class exposing options that are valid for a vector layer. |
VEMapStyle |
VirtualEarth |
VirtualEarthImpl |
VirtualEarthOption |
For displaying FeatureCollection data requested from a Web Feature Service (WFS)
server. |
WFSOptions |
WFSParams |
The WFSParams correspond with parameters that can be specified
in the WFS request. |
WMSOptions |
WMSParams |
The WMSParams correspond with parameters that can be specified
in the WMS request. |
Wrapper for OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ which is typically used to
add an ESRI Cached Map Service. |
XYZOptions |