Class Summary |
Attributes |
Class to hold arbitrary attributes. |
ElementHelper |
JArrayBase |
Base class for classes wrapping Javascript arrays. |
JBoolean |
JDoubleArray |
JDoubleArrayImpl |
JFloatArray |
For incoming Arrays it is also possible to
use JsArrayNumber that is default in GWT. |
JFloatArrayImpl |
JIntArray |
JObjectArray |
Wraps a Javascript array that contains "non-basic type" of elements or
elements of mixed type. |
JSObject |
A JSObject is an opaque handle to a JavaScript object. |
JSObjectHelper |
Static methods for working with JSObject objects. |
JSObjectWrapper |
Base class for Objects that wrap an opaque javascript object (represented by a JSObject),
to provide (part of) the javascript object's functionality in GWT. |
JStringArray |
RegExp |
Wrapper for the JavaScript RegExp object. |