Class SelectFeatureOptions

  extended by org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.util.JSObjectWrapper
      extended by org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.OpenLayersObjectWrapper
          extended by org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.OpenLayersEObjectWrapper
              extended by org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.control.ControlOptions
                  extended by org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.control.SelectFeatureOptions

public class SelectFeatureOptions
extends ControlOptions

See SelectFeature. Default mode of selection is clickout, see SelectFeature.

Edwin Commandeur - Atlis EJS, Rafael Ceravolo - LOGANN

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.OpenLayersEObjectWrapper
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void clickFeature(SelectFeature.ClickFeatureListener listener)
          Triggers when a feature is clicked TODO: Same concern that for onSelect and onUnSelect ?
 void onSelect(SelectFeature.SelectFeatureListener listener)
          Triggers when a feature is selected.
 void onUnSelect(SelectFeature.UnselectFeatureListener listener)
          Triggers when a feature is unselected.
 void setBox(boolean box)
          Allows features to be selected by dragging a box.
 void setHighlightOnly(boolean highlightOnly)
          From OpenLayers documentation: If true do not actually select features (i.e.
 void setHover()
          Indicates that the selection of the feature should occur when the mouse hovers the feature rather then when clicked.
 void setMultiple()
          Indicates that the user can select multiple features at the same time.
 void setRenderIntent(RenderIntent renderIntent)
          Sets the render intent of the styles to be used when drawing the features on the selected state controled by the SelectFeature.Defaults to DEFAULT.
 void setToggle()
          Indicates that when clicking a already selected feature again, it will be unselected.
Methods inherited from class org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.OpenLayersEObjectWrapper
getListeners, narrowToOpenLayersEObjectWrapper, removeListener
Methods inherited from class org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.OpenLayersObjectWrapper
getClassName, getEvents, narrowToOpenLayersObjectWrapper
Methods inherited from class org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.util.JSObjectWrapper
getJSObject, setJSObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SelectFeatureOptions()
Method Detail


public void setHover()
Indicates that the selection of the feature should occur when the mouse hovers the feature rather then when clicked. Defaults to false.

Note: the behavior of the selection on hover depends also of the highlightOnly property


public void setToggle()
Indicates that when clicking a already selected feature again, it will be unselected. Defaults to false.


public void setMultiple()
Indicates that the user can select multiple features at the same time. Defaults to false.


public void onSelect(SelectFeature.SelectFeatureListener listener)
Triggers when a feature is selected. TODO: Can this be added to SelectFeature? Or should it be set at construction time? it doesn't work via event object, so removeListener will not work the name should therefore not be addSelectFeature...


public void onUnSelect(SelectFeature.UnselectFeatureListener listener)
Triggers when a feature is unselected. TODO: Can this be added to SelectFeature? Or should it be set at construction time? it doesn't work via event object, so removeListener will not work the name should therefore not be addUnSelectFeature...


public void clickFeature(SelectFeature.ClickFeatureListener listener)
Triggers when a feature is clicked TODO: Same concern that for onSelect and onUnSelect ?


public void setHighlightOnly(boolean highlightOnly)
From OpenLayers documentation: If true do not actually select features (i.e. place them in the layer's selected features array), just highlight them. This property has no effect if hover is false. Defaults to false.

highlightOnly - The property value


public void setRenderIntent(RenderIntent renderIntent)
Sets the render intent of the styles to be used when drawing the features on the selected state controled by the SelectFeature.Defaults to DEFAULT.

renderIntent - The render intent to be used


public void setBox(boolean box)
Allows features to be selected by dragging a box.

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