Interface Summary | |
DragFeature.DragFeatureListener | Listener for Drag events (Start, Drag and Complete) |
DrawFeature.FeatureAddedListener | |
ModifyFeature.OnModificationEndListener | |
ModifyFeature.OnModificationListener | |
ModifyFeature.OnModificationStartListener | |
SelectFeature.ClickFeatureListener | |
SelectFeature.SelectFeatureListener | |
SelectFeature.UnselectFeatureListener |
Class Summary | |
ArgParser | Parses arguments passed to the url at which the application is located. |
ArgParserOptions | |
Attribution | Must be activated on the map to show attributions that can be set on layers. |
AttributionOptions | |
Control | |
ControlOptions | Options specific to Control widgets. |
DeleteFeature | |
DeleteFeatureImpl | |
DragFeature | This control is used to handle drag and drop of the vector features of a layer. |
DragFeatureImpl | |
DragFeatureOptions | Options for the DragFeature. |
DragPan | DragPan control wrapper. |
DrawFeature | Don't be suprised by the following: Upon activating the DrawFeature tool it creates an extra layer that is used by the handler (the name of this layer reflects this). |
DrawFeatureImpl | |
DrawFeatureOptions | |
EditingToolbar | |
EditingToolbarImpl | |
EditingToolbarOptions | |
GetFeature | GetFeature implementation that gets Vector Features use WFS |
GetFeatureImpl | |
GetFeatureOptions | |
Graticule | |
GraticuleImpl | |
GraticuleOptions | |
LayerSwitcher | |
LayerSwitcherOptions | |
Measure | |
MeasureImpl | |
MeasureOptions | |
ModifyFeature | |
ModifyFeatureImpl | |
ModifyFeatureOptions | Options specific to Modify Feature Control. |
MouseDefaults | |
MouseDefaultsOptions | Options specific to MouseDefaults Control. |
MousePosition | Displays the geographic coordinates of the position of the mouse cursor. |
MousePositionOptions | See MousePosition . |
MousePositionOutput | See MousePosition . |
MouseToolbar | Deprecated. This class will be removed in OpenLayers 3.0, use NavToolbar instead |
MouseToolbarOptions | |
Navigation | This control is added to OpenLayers maps by default. |
NavigationHistory | |
NavigationHistoryImpl | |
NavigationHistoryOptions | |
NavigationOptions | |
NavToolbar | Access the openlayers navtoolbar control. |
NavToolbarImpl | Access the openlayers navtoolbar control. |
NavToolbarOptions | |
OverviewMap | |
OverviewMapImpl | |
OverviewMapOptions | |
Panel | |
PanelOptions | Options specific to Panel Control. |
PanZoom | Pan and Zoom control. |
PanZoomBar | |
PanZoomBarOptions | |
PanZoomOptions | |
Scale | |
ScaleLine | Displays a line indicator representing the map scale for the state of the map. |
ScaleLineImpl | |
ScaleLineOptions | Set topInUnits and topOutUnits to an empty String to hide top units and set bottomInUnits and bottomOutUnits to an empty String to hide bottom units. |
ScaleOptions | |
SelectFeature | When activated, selects features on click by default. |
SelectFeatureOptions | See SelectFeature . |
Snapping | |
SnappingImpl | |
SnappingOptions | |
SnappingTarget | |
WMSGetFeatureInfo | |
WMSGetFeatureInfoImpl | |
WMSGetFeatureInfoOptions | |
ZoomBox | |
ZoomBoxImpl | |
ZoomBoxOptions | |
ZoomIn | |
ZoomInImpl | |
ZoomOut | |
ZoomOutImpl |
Enum Summary | |
WMSGetFeatureInfoOptions.GetFeatureInfoFormat |