Uses of LonLat in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client |
Methods in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client that return LonLat | |
LonLat |
LonLat |
LonLat |
LonLat |
Map.getLonLatFromPixel(Pixel pixel)
static LonLat |
LonLat.narrowToLonLat(JSObject element)
Methods in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client with parameters of type LonLat | |
boolean |
Bounds.containsLonLat(LonLat ll,
boolean inclusive)
APIMethod: containsLonLat Parameters: ll - { |
void |
Bounds.extend(LonLat lonLat)
Pixel |
Map.getPixelFromLonLat(LonLat lonlat)
void |
Map.panTo(LonLat lonlat)
void |
Map.setCenter(LonLat lonlat)
void |
Map.setCenter(LonLat lonlat,
int zoom)
void |
Marker.setLonLat(LonLat lonlat)
Method setLonlat Change the lonlat of Icon lonlat (LonLat) the position of this marker |
Constructors in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client with parameters of type LonLat | |
Marker(LonLat lonlat)
Marker(LonLat lonlat,
Icon icon)
Uses of LonLat in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.control |
Methods in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.control with parameters of type LonLat | |
abstract String |
MousePositionOutput.format(LonLat lonLat,
Map map)
A MousePositionOutput instance that implements this function can be used to set the output format on a MousePosition control. |
Uses of LonLat in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.event |
Methods in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.event that return LonLat | |
LonLat |
Uses of LonLat in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.feature |
Methods in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.feature that return LonLat | |
LonLat |
Uses of LonLat in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.layer |
Methods in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.layer that return LonLat | |
LonLat |
Google.forwardMercator(double lon,
double lat)
Methods in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.layer with parameters of type LonLat | |
void |
Canvas.drawLine(LonLat p1,
LonLat p2)
Uses of LonLat in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.popup |
Methods in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.popup with parameters of type LonLat | |
void |
Popup.setLonLat(LonLat lt)
Constructors in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.popup with parameters of type LonLat | |
Anchored(String id,
LonLat lonlat,
Size size,
String html,
OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor,
boolean closeBox)
Anchored(String id,
LonLat lonlat,
Size size,
String html,
OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor,
boolean closeBox,
Popup.CloseListener closeBoxCallback)
AnchoredBubble(String id,
LonLat lonlat,
Size size,
String html,
OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor,
boolean closeBox)
Use addCloseListener to respond to popup close event. |
AnchoredBubble(String id,
LonLat lonlat,
Size size,
String html,
OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor,
boolean closeBox,
Popup.CloseListener closeBoxCallback)
Constructor also taking a CloseListener callback as suggested by the original OpenLayers JavaScript constructor. |
Framed(String id,
LonLat lonlat,
Size size,
String html,
boolean closeBox)
Framed(String id,
LonLat lonlat,
Size size,
String html,
OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor,
boolean closeBox)
Use addCloseListener to respond to popup close event. |
Framed(String id,
LonLat lonlat,
Size size,
String html,
OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor,
boolean closeBox,
Popup.CloseListener closeBoxCallback)
Framed(String id,
LonLat lonlat,
String html,
boolean closeBox)
FramedCloud(String id,
LonLat lonlat,
Size size,
String html,
OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor,
boolean closeBox)
Use addCloseListener to respond to popup close event. |
FramedCloud(String id,
LonLat lonlat,
Size size,
String html,
OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor,
boolean closeBox,
Popup.CloseListener closeBoxCallback)
Constructor also taking a CloseListener callback as suggested by the original OpenLayers JavaScript constructor. |
Popup(String id,
LonLat lonlat,
Size size,
String html,
boolean closeBox)
Use addCloseListener to respond to popup close event. |
Popup(String id,
LonLat lonlat,
Size size,
String html,
boolean closeBox,
Popup.CloseListener closeBoxCallback)