Uses of Class

Packages that use OpenLayersObjectWrapper

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client
 class Bounds
          Represents a bounding box (or bounding rectangle).
 class Icon
 class LonLat
          Represents a longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
 class Map
           The Map class is the hub of OpenLayers.
 class Marker
 class OpenLayersEObjectWrapper
          Wrapper object for OpenLayer objects.
 class Pixel
 class Rule
 class Size
          OpenLayers BaseType representing a width/height pair.
 class Style
          From OpenLayers documentation: "OpenLayers features can have a number of style attributes.
 class StyleMap
          StyleMap contais a set of tree styles default : the default style to render the feature select : the style to render the feature when it is selected temporary: style to render the feature when it is temporarily selected

Methods in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client that return OpenLayersObjectWrapper
static OpenLayersObjectWrapper OpenLayersObjectWrapper.narrowToOpenLayersObjectWrapper(JSObject element)

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.control

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.control
 class ArgParser
          Parses arguments passed to the url at which the application is located.
 class ArgParserOptions
 class Attribution
          Must be activated on the map to show attributions that can be set on layers.
 class AttributionOptions
 class Control
 class ControlOptions
          Options specific to Control widgets.
 class DeleteFeature
 class DragFeature
          This control is used to handle drag and drop of the vector features of a layer.
 class DragFeatureOptions
          Options for the DragFeature.
 class DragPan
          DragPan control wrapper.
 class DrawFeature
          Don't be suprised by the following: Upon activating the DrawFeature tool it creates an extra layer that is used by the handler (the name of this layer reflects this).
 class DrawFeatureOptions
 class EditingToolbar
 class EditingToolbarOptions
 class GetFeature
          GetFeature implementation that gets Vector Features use WFS
 class GetFeatureOptions
 class Graticule
 class GraticuleOptions
 class LayerSwitcher
 class LayerSwitcherOptions
 class Measure
 class MeasureOptions
 class ModifyFeature
 class ModifyFeatureOptions
          Options specific to Modify Feature Control.
 class MouseDefaults
 class MouseDefaultsOptions
          Options specific to MouseDefaults Control.
 class MousePosition
          Displays the geographic coordinates of the position of the mouse cursor.
 class MousePositionOptions
          See MousePosition.
 class MouseToolbar
          Deprecated. This class will be removed in OpenLayers 3.0, use NavToolbar instead
 class MouseToolbarOptions
 class Navigation
          This control is added to OpenLayers maps by default.
 class NavigationHistory
 class NavigationHistoryOptions
 class NavigationOptions
 class NavToolbar
          Access the openlayers navtoolbar control.
 class NavToolbarOptions
 class OverviewMap
 class OverviewMapOptions
 class Panel
 class PanelOptions
          Options specific to Panel Control.
 class PanZoom
          Pan and Zoom control.
 class PanZoomBar
 class PanZoomBarOptions
 class PanZoomOptions
 class Scale
 class ScaleLine
          Displays a line indicator representing the map scale for the state of the map.
 class ScaleLineOptions
          Set topInUnits and topOutUnits to an empty String to hide top units and set bottomInUnits and bottomOutUnits to an empty String to hide bottom units.
 class ScaleOptions
 class SelectFeature
          When activated, selects features on click by default.
 class SelectFeatureOptions
          See SelectFeature.
 class Snapping
 class SnappingTarget
 class WMSGetFeatureInfo
 class ZoomBox
 class ZoomBoxOptions
 class ZoomIn
 class ZoomOut

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.event

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.event
 class Event
 class Events
 class MouseEvent

Methods in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.event with parameters of type OpenLayersObjectWrapper
 void EventListenerCollection.addListener(OpenLayersObjectWrapper w, EventListener listener, String type, EventHandler handler)
 void Events.on(OpenLayersObjectWrapper obj)
 void Events.register(String type, OpenLayersObjectWrapper obj, EventHandler handler)
 void EventListenerCollection.removeListener(OpenLayersObjectWrapper w, EventListener listener)
 void EventListenerCollection.removeListeners(OpenLayersObjectWrapper wrapper)
          Removes all listeners registered on an object.
 void Events.unregister(String type, OpenLayersObjectWrapper obj, EventHandler handler)

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.feature

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.feature
 class Feature
 class VectorFeature

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.filter

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.filter
 class FeatureIdFilter
 class Filter

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.format

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.format
 class Format
          Format objects provide support for reading and writing text and xml formats.
 class GeoJSON
          Brief explanation of GeoJSON vector format here.
 class GML
          GML parser and writer, supports simple features profile ONLY.
 class GML2
          Wraps OpenLayers.Format.GML.v2 Brief explanation of Geographic Markup Language (GML) vector format here.
 class GML3
          Wraps OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3 Brief explanation of Geographic Markup Language (GML) vector format here.
 class KML
          Brief explanation of Keyhole Markup Language (KML) vector format here.
 class VectorFormat
          Format objects provide support for reading and writing formats for representing vector features (or their geometries).
 class WKT
          Brief explanation of Well Known Text (WKT) vector format here.
 class WMC
          A platform-independent description of a map, that can be retrieved by a different client, to display that map in the second client.

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.geometry

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.geometry
 class Collection
 class Curve
 class Geometry
 class LinearRing
 class LineString
 class MultiLineString
 class MultiPoint
 class MultiPolygon
 class Point
 class Polygon

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.handler

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.handler
 class Handler
 class PathHandler
 class PointHandler
 class PolygonHandler
 class RegularPolygonHandler

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.layer

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.layer
 class ArcGIS93Rest
 class Boxes
           Boxes is only maintained for backwards compatibility, as explained here.
 class Canvas
          comment: no such layer in OpenLayers 2.x
 class GMapType
 class Google
 class GridLayer
          Wrapper of OpenLayers.Layer.Grid in OpenLayers.
 class HTTPRequestLayer
          Wrapper of OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest in OpenLayers.
 class Image
          Displays data from a web accessible image.
 class Layer
 class Markers
           Markers is the non-preferred way to create marker layers.
 class OSM
          The javascript implementation of the class OSM is defined in a small add-on javascript library for OpenStreetMap.
 class RendererOptions
 class TMS
 class Vector
 class VirtualEarth
 class WFS
          For displaying FeatureCollection data requested from a Web Feature Service (WFS) server.
 class WMS
 class XYZ
          Wrapper for OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ which is typically used to add an ESRI Cached Map Service.

Methods in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.layer that return OpenLayersObjectWrapper
 OpenLayersObjectWrapper Vector.getProtocol()

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.marker

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.marker
 class Box

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.popup

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.popup
 class Anchored
 class AnchoredBubble
 class Framed
 class FramedCloud
 class Popup

Constructors in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.popup with parameters of type OpenLayersObjectWrapper
Anchored(String id, LonLat lonlat, Size size, String html, OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor, boolean closeBox)
Anchored(String id, LonLat lonlat, Size size, String html, OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor, boolean closeBox, Popup.CloseListener closeBoxCallback)
AnchoredBubble(String id, LonLat lonlat, Size size, String html, OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor, boolean closeBox)
          Use addCloseListener to respond to popup close event.
AnchoredBubble(String id, LonLat lonlat, Size size, String html, OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor, boolean closeBox, Popup.CloseListener closeBoxCallback)
          Constructor also taking a CloseListener callback as suggested by the original OpenLayers JavaScript constructor.
Framed(String id, LonLat lonlat, Size size, String html, OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor, boolean closeBox)
          Use addCloseListener to respond to popup close event.
Framed(String id, LonLat lonlat, Size size, String html, OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor, boolean closeBox, Popup.CloseListener closeBoxCallback)
FramedCloud(String id, LonLat lonlat, Size size, String html, OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor, boolean closeBox)
          Use addCloseListener to respond to popup close event.
FramedCloud(String id, LonLat lonlat, Size size, String html, OpenLayersObjectWrapper anchor, boolean closeBox, Popup.CloseListener closeBoxCallback)
          Constructor also taking a CloseListener callback as suggested by the original OpenLayers JavaScript constructor.

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.protocol

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.protocol
 class HTTPProtocol
 class Protocol
          Protocol abstract base class
 class WFSProtocol
          WFS Protocol for Vector Layers - intentionally deviates from OpenLayers name.

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.strategy

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.strategy
 class BBoxStrategy
 class FixedStrategy
 class PagingStrategy
 class RefreshStrategy
 class SaveStrategy
 class Strategy

Uses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.util

Subclasses of OpenLayersObjectWrapper in org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.util
 class JBoolean

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